04 Sep Is Therapy Worth The Cost?
Are You Wondering “Is Therapy Worth the Cost?”
One thing every counselling client has to consider is the price of therapy. I won’t beat about the bush, therapy is an investment, so it is worth pondering if it’s going to be worth the cost to you. Of course, the answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all. It depends on your unique circumstances. These include your budget, what’s going on in your life right now, and, will you make good use of it?
Here are some things to consider:
If you are going through something right now
This could mean bereavement, feeling overwhelmed, depressed, relationship issues, anxious, or any number of things. The call is that if you are going through something that is impacting your health, work or relationships, then therapy is a realistic option to help you feel better.
Will it benefit those around you?
If other people are suffering, then getting some help might be wise. What I mean by this is that you may be feeling short-tempered and liable to explode, or feel yourself pulling away from people. It can show itself in many ways, and sometimes others will mention this to you before you pick up on it yourself. Therapy can be an investment in your relationships. This isn’t limited to romantic relationships, but can include your children, parents, colleagues and blended families.
Do you have a behaviour you want to change?
Most of us have something about ourselves we want to change. The truth is, often we just live with it. Sometimes, however, we make a decision that enough is enough. We want to date a different type of person. We want to get out of this cycle of arguments with our partner. We want to get fit and regain some of that energy we had previously. This is a significant step, and one that may be easier to complete with a therapist on your side.
Do you need a safe-space?
I’m not a fan of that term, safe space, but it’s true that we need someone we can trust to listen to us, without judgment, and in complete confidence. Perhaps it is a discussion around suicidal thoughts that you dont want to worry anyone else with. Maybe you want to think things through and need an unbiased listener. Friends, however supportive, often have their own agenda and a shared history can make it difficult to discuss the tough things.
Do you need practical help?
I often help clients with life skills they haven’t been taught that are impacting their quality of life. One such vital life skill is making friends. Another might be navigating a polyamorous or open relationship, or just learning how to deal with stress in a healthy manner. Equally, I often help children, teenagers and young people struggling with exam nerves. Therapy equips you with valuable coping skills to handle challenges and setbacks more effectively.
Looking after yourself?
Therapy isn’t just for times of crisis; it can be a preventative measure to maintain good mental health and resilience. I have clients who have very stressful lives who find therapy is their way of staying well-balanced and looking after their mental health.
Can you afford it?
I have paid for therapy many times in my life, such as to cope with bereavement, and to help me through a divorce. I have experienced the value of it, many times over.
There are free options out there. GPs can provide access to therapy, for a limited amount of sessions, as can some charities, especially if you are on a low income. However, paying for your therapy means that you can choose the therapist who is right for you, as the relationship between you plays an important part in your work together.
I see clients online and in Hythe and Folkestone, Kent. My current prices are on my FAQ page. Please contact me to arrange a chat if you’d like to discuss working together.