Therapy For People With ASD

Therapy For People With ASD


I offer therapy for people with ASD. Neurodiversity has been linked to increased anxiety, depression and feelings of isolation, and we can work together to help you manage these. Or, indeed, any other issue you may going through.  I have worked with many clients who have had their ASD diagnosis later in life, (or are still on the waiting list), and have come to therapy to help integrate this into their lives going forwards.


Many of the people I have worked with who have ASD report feelings of:


  • Feeling alone
  • Getting angry very quickly
  • Being bullied or teased
  • Finding it hard to fit in within the workplace
  • Difficulties with relationships
  • Addictions and self-harming behaviour
  • Sensory over or under stimulation
  • Finding it hard to express needs to others
  • Self-blame


I also work with parents and partners of people on the autistic spectrum. Many


Austism friendly therapy


therapy for people with autismIf you inform me that you are on the autistic spectrum, we can have a conversation about your needs during therapy. I am happy to do the arranging of sessions via email rather phone, if that is easier for you. Likewise, if you have any sensory issues, need extra time to process things, or just periods of quiet, then that can be incorporated.


We can also look at things visually, as well as talking about them, if you prefer. In short, we can adapt our therapy to suit your learning style. I’ve even have clients bring in their knitting, as this helps makes them feel soothed.


During our first session we will also spend some time talking about how therapy works, what to expect from me, and what I expect from you.


Every few sessions we will also spend some time discussing how our therapy is working for you, and whether anything needs to change or be adapted.


How can therapy for autistic people help you?


People I have worked with have found the following helpful:


  • Cognitive approaches to offer an alternative to black and white thinking and help combat anxiety
  • Navigating workplace issues
  • Identifying, learning and practising skills that will make life easier, such as social skills
  • Using your strengths to their best advantage
  • Deciding whether to disclose your diagnosis when starting a new job
  • Practical actions that can calm you down when you feel anxious or angry
  • Helping the recently diagnosed come to terms with their new diagnosis
  • Creating social stories when needed
  • Learning your own unique tactics to help you cope


I am not promoting myself as the expert in working with neurodiverse people. However, I am open to learning about you, how best to work with you, and help you feel better.


Booking therapy for people with autism


If you are on the autistic spectrum and would like to explore working with me, you can email me here, or book a telephone session here. Please do let me know you are autistic and if you have any specific needs.