Teenage Mental Health Workshop in Folkestone

teenager depicting how to help your teen with their mental health

Teenage Mental Health Workshop in Folkestone

July in Folkestone – how to help your teen’s mental health

On Saturday July 13th I’ll be running a workshop for parents on how you can help your teenager’s mental health. I’ll be doing this in conjunction with Sunflower House, and the session will be at the Sunflower House community centre at The Bayle, Folkestone Town Centre.

We look at the developing brain and what’s going on for your child mentally as a teenager or young person at this. We’ll also consider the biggest stressors that might be going on for them, and how you can help them manage them, as well as share tips on helping you communicate with each other. Finally, we’ll hone in on key habits you can help your child cultivate to protect their mental health all their life.

Free workshop in Folkestone

This is a free workshop and open to all parents of teenagers and young children. Hopefully, it will be the first of a number of regular workshops which will look at such topics as anxiety, addictions (including screen addiction), anger, development, confidence and many more.

Working with teenagers, and parents of teenagers, is one of my passions. Many parents find these years very stressful. As their child matures into a young adult, we move into a whole new phase of life with new challenges to navigate. What’s more, our own lives can feel crowded and complicated, which makes it especially hard for us to relate to our children. What was once a jolly and lovely to be around child can now appear angry, depressed, anxious and more. Sometimes, they feel like a whole new person completely.

One of the most important things to remember is that this is a phase and it will get better. However, knowing what’s going for your child in this stage of development can really help you to help them. Likewise, just being in a friendly, non-judgemental space with other adults can also be a breath of fresh air.

Book your place now

The session is on Saturday July 13th at 10am at Saturday 13th July at 10am in The Community Room, Sunflower House, 19 The Bayle, Folesktone, Kent, CT20 1SQ. Please contact info@sunflowerhouse.org.uk to book your place.